ICCROM Fellowships IN 2024 – Applications are now open

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Applications are now open for the Fellowship Programme!

We’re looking for fresh perspectives and ideas to stimulate new avenues of research in the heritage conservation field. Are you a senior professional working for cultural heritage? Apply for a study period at ICCROM and advance your research!

Apply by 1 September 2023 here: https://bit.ly/3wR5zXh


Questi i Fellows  italiani sino ad oggi
  • Guia Rossignoli (1 March – 31 May 2004)
    Area of research: analysis, preservation and storage recommendations for Egyptian New Kingdom (16th-11th centuries BC) artefacts made of vegetable fibres stored in the Archaeological Museum, Florence, Italy.
    Affiliation: Textile Museum, Prato, Italy
  • Calogero Bellanca (10 January – 30 March 2005; 9 September – 31 October 2005)
    Area of research: historical use of terminology in architectural conservation theory and practice, covering terminology from the 16th century to the present day with reference to several languages (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish and Russian).
    Affiliation: Faculty of Architecture ‘Valle Giulia’, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Italy
  • Carmine Romano (3 February –  30 April 2014)
    Area of research: Neapolitan Crèche.
  • Flaminia Bartolini (24 July to 1 September 2017)
    Area of research: Rome’s divided memory: Nazi-Fascist heritage and post-war memory construction in Italy.
    Affiliation: University of Cambridge, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research,
    Division of Archaeology
  • Sonia Giovinazzi (15 January to 31 May 2018)
    Topic: Disaster response management for cultural heritage constructions: investigating best practices and action frameworks.
    Affiliation: University of Rome ‘’La Sapienza’’ Department of Architecture
  • Marina GALLINARO (Converted on-line: 4 January to 31 March 2021)
    Topic: Protecting, promoting and transmitting the African Rock Art Heritage as a meaningful trans-cultural agent.
    Affiliation: University of Rome ”La Sapienza”.
  • Paola Camera (Converted on-line: Part time: 2 November 2020 to 31 December 2021
    Topic: Analysis of Italian law and procedures applied during states of emergency in the field of cultural heritage.
    Affiliation: Ministero per i beni  e le attvità culturali e per il turisimo (MiBAC)